Spaghetti Squash Asian Fusion


Spaghetti Squash (2 Cups)

Mukimame or Edamame (1/4 cup)

Grape Tomato’s (4 – 5 grape tomato)

Bell Pepper (1/4 cup)

Chicken or Chick/n Scallopini (vegetarian protein) (3oz or 1 chick’n)

Sesame Seed (2 tsps)

Braggs Amino Acids (4tsp, divided)

How to prepare:

Bake spaghetti squash (cut in half, place down in baking dish with 1/2 c water on 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

In a skillet cook chicken or chick’n scallopini on low heat with 1/4c water. Once cooked to temperature, add in bell peppers and frozen edamame; sauté with 2 tsp braggs amino acids for 2 minutes. Add in cooked spaghetti squash and sliced grape tomatoes. Season with salt/pepper to taste and 2 more tsp of braggs amino acids. Plate and add sesame seeds.

Nutrition facts/1 serving: (listed ingredients and portion size is for 1 serving)

291 calories, 34.4g carbs, 8.4g fat, 21.1g protein (chick’n scallopini)

301 calories, 30.4g carbs, 4.3g fat,  37.6g protein (3oz chicken)



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