005 – FTP Results

Deep dive into FTP Results

Personal Trainers are starting to work more at the studio

New PR for my 20 minute power! 305

Key Workout of the Week

Three Legged Goat Run – 3 miles at 18:26

12×400 Run

FTP Testing

SMF – FTP 256

DS – FTP 290

What to do with these results

  • Zone Breakdown
Derek Stone Scott Foland Amanda Foland
Average 305 270 185
FTP 290 256 176
Active < 55% 160 140 97
Endurance 56%-75% 162-217 141-192 98-132
Tempo 76%-90% 218-261 193-230 133-158
LT 91%-105% 262-304 231-269 159-184
VO2 106%-120% 305-348 270-307 185-211
Anaerobic 121%-150% 349-435 308-384 212-264


Now What?



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